Mark Bergen
Lead Pastor
Mark began his ministry at PAAC in September of 2010 after he and his wife, Sandra, moved to Prince Albert from Estevan. Mark was raised in a small community in southwest Saskatchewan called Leader. Sandra grew up in Southeast Saskatchewan on a farm in the Estevan area and they met in the middle at Bible College in Regina and have been in pastoral ministry since the early 90s. Mark enjoys the journey of being a lifelong learner in areas of preaching and teaching God’s word, and leadership. His greatest joy is seeing lives transformed by the Word of God and seeing others discover their life purpose in community. He has a servant heart to provide direction, care, and leadership to PAAC. Mark and Sandra love to travel and take road trips together. Some of Mark’s favourite activities are hiking, jogging, cross country skiing, camping, and fishing.

Agneshia Dixon
Director of Family Life
Agneshia joined PAAC as Director of Family Life in September 2023, moving from South Africa where she was involved with Kid's Ministry for 10 years. She and her husband, Daniel, have been married since 2011 and have 3 children. Agneshia oversees all things Children and Youth at PAAC. In her free time, she enjoys running and being outdoors, and has recently proclaimed herself a plant person.

Carla Olsen
Office Administrator
Carla started in the front office in October 2021. Prior to that she worked as an Educational Associate in elementary schools and tutoring English as an Additional Language. Carla speaks Spanish and has served in both Mexico and Thailand as a missionary. After returning to Canada, Carla joined the Young Adults group at PAAC where she met her husband, Donovan, and they were married in 2013. Carla enjoys learning about languages and cultures, doing crafts, and gardening!

Trisha Poetker
Office Administrator
Trisha grew up on a farm outside of Endeavour, Sk. While attending Nipawin Bible College she met her husband and they married in June 2018, later welcoming their 2 children into the family. She began working at PAAC sometime in 2018 filling in as Office Administrator when the need arose, so when the job became available in Feb of 2019 she knew it was something she wanted to do. She began working at PAAC March 2019. Trisha most enjoys chatting with those that come into the office and getting to make things look nice and creating things to make PACC run efficiently. With two young kids, hobbies seem like a thing of the past but Trisha has recently found a liking for decorating cakes, which has/will come in handy for all the upcoming birthdays.

Ralph Dyck
Custodian & Maintenance
Ralph grew up on a farm in Glenbush, SK, and first moved to Prince Albert in 1992, following three years of Bible college, to begin serving in Northern Canada Evangelical Mission’s printshop. While in PA, Ralph met his wife, Brenda, and together they raised two daughters. Family considerations were key in choosing to attend PAAC in 2012, and since then, Ralph & Brenda have found various ways to be involved in the ministry of this church. Ralph joined the PAAC Staff as custodian in December 2022 and still volunteers some time in NCEM’s printshop, where he served for 30 years.

Mark Bergen
Senior Pastor

Sharon ARDell
Randy Friesen
Board Chair
Board Vice-Chair

Ron Poetker
Duane Neudorf
JAmie PEake

Al Dyck