2024 Board of Elders: Strategic Plan

The board of elders has finalized their strategic plan. We are excited to present an overview of the plan on each Sunday in June. We have an ambitious plan that is laying a foundation we will continue to build on in the coming years. If you can help in any area, please contact an elder or pastor listed. Thank you!

1. PRAYER: We want to make prayer more accessible and visible in our church. We already have a prayer class that meets to pray during the Sunday school hour and now we will continue that theme of praying for our worship service and church during the summer months from 9:30-9:50am before the Sunday service. We also want to make prayer a natural part of our service where our congregants feel free to pray with those in their section or come to the front to pray. (Contact: Prayer Ministry Leader: Louise Tarasiuk, Elder: Sharon Ardell)

2. COMMUNITY GROUPS: Pastors Mark and Nathan will be leading a team that will work together on giving more structure, training, and accountability to our CG. (Contact: Pastor Mark or Pastor Nathan, Elder: Geoffrey Maina)

3. SENIOR CARE: Al Dyck will be heading this up with a team around him to give more care to our seniors. We already have a thriving North of 50 Group but we see the need for a visitation ministry to will help address the needs and concerns of our seniors. (Contact Elder: Al Dyck)

4. ALPHA: We had an amazing start to this ministry last year which reached into our community. We want to continue to use this as a tool for our congregants to help their friends and neighbors – and themselves-- explore the gospel. Pastor Mark will continue to lead this along with a co-leader to share the load. (Contact: Pastor Mark, Elder: Ron Poetker)

5. HELPING TO FOSTER A FRIENDLY AND SERVING CHURCH: This is a broad category, but our elders Jerry and Ron have a heart to see this continue and grow. We started this with our “mini church” concept last year in our strategic plan and want to expand on it. Our desire is to foster an attitude of service, not consumerism, and to help those who aren’t involved to see their areas of giftedness that could greatly contribute to our church – and greater – community. (Contact Elders: Jerry Janzen or Ron Poetker)

6. FAMILY LIFE: We are excited for the way Agneshia is building into the lives of our children and youth. Our prayer is that each child and young person has a personal
relationship with Jesus and our goal is to help them take their next step in their journey. Next steps can be baptisms, volunteering, leadership and preparing for life after high school. (Contact Director of Family Life: Agneshia, Elder: Duane Neudorf)

7. DIGITAL PRESENCE/TECHNOLOGY: This area has exploded, and Pastor Nathan has been spending a lot of time on the tech side of things. We want him to oversee the technology of our church, not be the hands-on person. Randy and Ron along with HR (Duane Neudorf and Merv Letkeman) will be looking at four areas and how to back fill through volunteers and some paid contracts: Website Development and Social Media Presence, Videography, Security and, Tech Production (Contact: Randy Friesen or Ron Poetker)

8. DEEPER LIFE CONFERENCE: George and Pastor Mark will investigate arranging a Deeper Life Conference sometime in 2025.

9. NEW LIFE CHURCH: We want to build into and pray for the leadership of New Life more consistently. We will be inviting them to join the elders at some of the board meetings for our devotional and prayer time. (Contact Elder: Randy Friesen)